The Keyless Lock Store - Exit Door Locks And Panic Hardware
The Keyless Lock Store - Exit Door Locks And Panic Hardware
Exit devices will allow you to exit the premises just as easily as you entered. For instance: If you use a proximity reader to activate an electric strike, you'll also want an easy way to activate the same electric strike when exiting. If you're not disabled, and your system uses an inside lever or knob, then that's all you need. If however, you have done the first type of installation, and turning a knob or lever is difficult to do, then you'll need a way to activate the lock from the inside. The best ways to do this are: First; a touch sense plate or bar. The plate can be mounted anywhere that's convenient, the bar installs across the door on the inside and through a process called capacitance, will activate the lock with just a touch to the plate. The second way is to use an infra-red switch that will sense a change in body temperature and motion as the device is approached (see exit buttons and devices section). The third way is with a large pushbutton switch. It's important that it be large and very easy to depress.In this selection we have also included stand alone mechanical exit locks and exit door alarms which are sometimes also used in an access system.
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