Aflatoxin in Bird Seed Mixes WHAT DO WE KNOW ABOUT AFLATOXIN? - Aflatoxins are produced by fungi that are common and widespread in nature, Aspergillus parasiticus and A. flavus. -The fungi grow most rapidly in humid environments and can grow on foods stored in damp conditions. -Corn and peanuts are more likely affected than other foods commonly provided at feeders. HOW CAN YOU PROTECT BIRDS FROM AFLATOXIN AND OTHER DANGERS? The aflatoxin issue raises the importance of providing a safe environment for birds. You may follow several strategies to improve the safety and health of birds at your feeders: -Store seed in a dry place to discourage growth of mold and fungus. -Clean your feeders regularly with a 10% bleach, 90% water solution. Allow feeders to dry completely before filling with fresh seed. -Only provide a limited supply of food at one a time. -Discard any seed that has become wet. -Routinely rake the ground beneath feeders to prevent the build-up of seed hulls and fecal material that could promote growth of bacteria and mold. - Keep your cats indoors! House cats kill millions of birds each year. -Provide cover near your feeders so that birds can escape from predators.

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