Maytag - Dishwashers
Maytag - Dishwashers

Maytag has the tools and information you need to make
the best buying decision. Just follow these four easy steps.

Know what is best for you
Getting started

Knowing what kind of dishwasher you want will help you
narrow down the sea of in-store options to designs that are
only compatible with your dishwashing needs.

There are two basic types of dishwashers – undercounter
and portable. Although both types are functionally similar,
each has different benefits and requirements. Your decision
will depend on how your kitchen is (or will be) arranged...

2. Know What You Like
Finishes and console styles

3. Know what counts
What are you paying for?

4. Know your dimensions
Measure now, not later

Maytag Customer Service
553 Benson Road
Benton Harbor, MI 49022

1 (800) 344-1274 U.S.
1 (800) 688-2002 Canada
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