Comfort House - Soap & lotion dispensers
Comfort House - Soap & lotion dispensers

Dispense soap, shower gel, shampoo, lotions, sanitizers, and other liquids. Use a dispenser in kitchen, shower, laundry, garage, pool, office, restaurant . . . just about anywhere.

Welcome to Comfort House, the source for products that make your life easier. This year we are celebrating our 19th year of business.

Comfort House® was the original Internet store with "comfort" in its name. Since we led the way, many other retailers have entered our marketplace and added comfort or house to their names. We are indeed flattered to have so many imitators of our name and original ideas.

An informed shopper is our best customer, so we go to great lengths to provide clear and straightforward policies below. Your order security and privacy come first at Comfort House. We offer secure online ordering 24 hours a day and we do not sell or otherwise share your personal information with any other company.

To learn more about us, read The Comfort House Story. Stick with the experts at Comfort House - the leader in comfort shopping. We look forward to filling your order soon!

189-V Frelinghuysen Ave.
Newark, New Jersey 07114-1595

Phone us at 1-800-359-7701. Outside USA call 1-973-242-8080.
Fax us at 1-973-242-0131

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