3M Filtrete
3M Filtrete

3M offers a wide range of Filtrete filtration products to help clean the air and water at home. Filtrete's electrostatically-charged filter line includes 1” disposable filters for forced air heating and cooling systems and 4" filters for media air cleaning systems.

In addition to air cleaning filters for forced air systems, 3M has designed state-of-the-art air purifiers for a variety of room sizes.

Filtrete water filtration products include both an advanced and professional water faucet system, along with replacement filters, for cleaner, great tasting water.

Cleaner Air by Design

Powerful air cleaning, streamlined designs and quiet operation are just some of the features you'll find in Filtrete™ air purifiers. A combination of Filtrete filtering technology and advanced design brings air cleaners to a whole new level. These air purifiers are designed for rooms where daily activity is frequent. If you don't have a forced air system, or simply want to bring concentrated improved air quality to a living space, these purifiers are a great solution from Filtrete, the brand that delivers cleaner indoor air.

Ultra Clean: Better than HEPA purifiers* at capturing airborne particles

Ultra Quiet: The quietest air purifier available**

Ultra Slim: Only 4" thick and still 98% effective at capturing large airborne particles***

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