R.C.A. Rubber Company - Rubber Stair Treads, Risers and Landing Tiles
R.C.A. Rubber Company - Rubber Stair Treads, Risers and Landing Tiles
R.C.A. offers a variety of rubber stair tread designs to fit specific application requirements. In addition to the same long-term features, benefits and aesthetics as Flexi-Florsheet and tile flooring, most tread designs are available with one or two abrasive strips for added slip-resistance. Many treads are available with adjustable noses to enable the stair tread nose to cover return angles of as little as 60 degrees. A channel molded inside the nose allows adjustments to the angle of the nose to conform to returns required by ‘access codes.’

All rubber stair treads are intended for interior use only.

1833 East Market St. (P.O. Box 9240)
Akron, Ohio 44305-0240
Phone: 1-800-321-2340
Local: 330-784-1291
Fax: 330-794-6446
Email: commercialsales@rcarubber.com

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